Readers react to line-up at Bolton Food and Drink Festival

We published a story about the excitement building as work started on marquees for the Bolton Food Festival.

Paul Edwards on the website said: "The amount this food and drink festival is costing could be well spent on doing Bolton town centre up.

"The town centre needs something doing about it now.

"It's all good putting designs out saying this is how Bolton is going to look but when is it going to get started.

"Bolton at the moment is a complete dump."

Red September said : "Moan moan moan. The council are doing something about it.

"Why not for a change and bring some custom into the town instead of constantly buying cheap stuff off the internet."

Aladdin_Sane: said: "The highlight of Bolton's social calendar". I had to laugh at that one. Didn't know Bolton had one."

BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor said: "It's just an excuse to get people in Bolton fat and turn them into an alcoholic."

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