Call for mental health screening in schools amid surge in psychological distress

Mental health screening has been recommended in all schools after research found more than one-quarter of young Australians experienced psychological distress during 2020.

A national survey of more than 25,000 people aged between 15 and 19 â€" conducted during the pandemic last year â€" found female, non-binary, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and young people with a disability were most likely to be affected.

Xavier College students (from left) Ed Plunkett, Guss Gorman, Alex Smith and Nick Honeyman have raised $20,000 for the Black Dog Institute by growing mullets.

Xavier College students (from left) Ed Plunkett, Guss Gorman, Alex Smith and Nick Honeyman have raised $20,000 for the Black Dog Institute by growing mullets.Credit:Jason South

The youth mental health report, co-authored by Mission Australia and the Black Dog Institute, found the number of young people experiencing psychological distress had increased since 2012, when it was one in five.

Mission Australia chief executive James Toomey said the importance of standardised mental health screening in schools, and access to clinically trained counsellors, could not be overstated given the increasing prevalence of psychological distress in young people.

“Undoubtedly, this pandemic has had a detrimental impact on young people’s mental health, which can have a profound effect on a young person’s experiences and the choices that shape their life,” he said. “This is an important national challenge that must be urgently addressed.”

The report said that while NAPLAN assessed educational outcomes, there were no universal assessments for mental health and wellbeing, despite poor mental health being a risk factor for early disengagement from school.

It recommended standardised screening to identify students experiencing mental illness who may otherwise be unknown to school counsellors.

Black Dog Institute chief scientist Helen Christensen said although girls had higher rates of anxiety and depression in general, the proportion of them experiencing distress was increasing.

“To understand these trends, we urge the governments to invest in gender-specific research,” she said.

The survey found psychological distress among young people in Victoria (25.6 per cent) was roughly equivalent to the national figure (26.6 per cent), despite the state facing tougher COVID-19 restrictions.

The top three personal issues for young people in Victoria with psychological distress were coping with stress, mental health and body image.

Close to 30 per cent were concerned about suicide.

The survey â€" which has been held biennially since 2012 â€" included questions on lifestyle for the first time.

Almost 40 per cent of young Victorians who experienced psychological stress reported sleeping six hours or less, well below national guidelines that state young people should get eight to 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

The report says Sleep Ninja, a smartphone application for adolescent insomnia symptoms, is a promising intervention for those with difficulty sleeping.

The top two sources of help were friends and parents.

At Melbourne’s Xavier College, boarding house students have raised more than $20,000 for the Black Dog Institute by sporting mullets.

“The past year has been really devastating for everyone’s mental health, and particularly young people,” said student Ed Plunkett.

Nick Honeyman, a year 11 boarder at Xavier, said COVID-19 restrictions meant he had not been able to see his parents in Canberra for 10 weeks.

“It’s been hard not knowing the next time I will see them,” he said.

“Being in the boarding house surrounded by mates and having boarding masters talk to you about mental health and how you are going helps you to stay strong.”

Meanwhile, a new report from mental health service ReachOut found the mental health of young people in regional and rural areas was worsening.

From 2017 to 2021 the report found an increase in probable serious mental illness among rural young people, up from 20.9 per cent of people to 27 per cent.

The groups most likely to be affected were 18- and 19-year-olds.

However, the report showed rural young people’s mental health literacy was improving and there was a greater awareness of what services are available.

”The findings … are sadly not surprising,” said ReachOut CEO Ashley de Silva. “During this time, communities have faced drought, natural disasters and a global pandemic.”

Support is available from Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.

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Jewel Topsfield is social affairs editor at The Age. She has worked in Melbourne, Canberra and Jakarta as Indonesia correspondent. She has won multiple awards including a Walkley and the Lowy Institute Media Award.Connect via Twitter, Facebook or email.

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