Police patrol anticipated anti-lockdown protests Sydney


Police patrol at Sydney Park in anticipation of planned anti-lockdown protests today. Credit:James Brickwood


Police arrive at Bass Hill Shopping centre in preparation for a possible anti-lockdown protest.Credit:Nick Moir


A woman who was arrested for being more than 5km from her LGA, as a heavy police presence patrolled Sydney Park in anticipation of anti-lockdown protests.Credit:James Brickwood


A man was arrested on Sydney Park Rd, possibly for not having a mask, as a heavy police presence patrolled Sydney Park in anticipation of anti-lockdown protests.Credit:James Brickwood


Police checking IDs at the entrance to Sydney Park, as a heavy police presence patrol in anticipation of planned anti-lockdown protests today.Credit:James Brickwood


Police patrol at Sydney Park in anticipation of planned anti-lockdown protests today.Credit:James Brickwood


Police patrol at Sydney Park in anticipation of planned anti-lockdown protests today.Credit:James Brickwood


Police patrol at Sydney Park in anticipation of planned anti-lockdown protests today.Credit:James Brickwood


Heavy police presence at Bass Hill Plaza in anticipation of an anti-lockdown protest which never eventuated.Credit:Nick Moir


A man was arrested on Sydney Park Rd, possibly for not having a mask, as a heavy police presence patrolled Sydney Park in anticipation of anti-lockdown protests.Credit:James Brickwood


Heavy police presence at Bass Hill Plaza in anticipation of an anti-lockdown protest which never eventuated.Credit:Nick Moir


Police patrol at Sydney Park in anticipation of planned anti-lockdown protests today.Credit:James Brickwood

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