Whats good in your world September 24 2021


Senior economics writer Jess Irvine writes: "With so many aspects of our lives out of our control just now, I’m enjoying putting my focus on the things I can control, like where my money goes. My unique personal budgeting system brings me such joy, transforming a usually scary topic into a childlike pleasure via my rainbow of different colored highlighters, each of which is assigned to one of my 10 budgeting categories, as you can see … "


Potted dogs ... Jenny from Green Gully in Victoria says her daughter's dogs wait in these herb pots, which provide them with a good view of the driveway, when they feel she has been gone too long. "Needless to say, the herbs are not growing," she adds.


"As with a lot of people in lockdown, moments outdoors have become quite precious. I really try to make the most of my permitted outdoor exercise, which is usually a late afternoon walk with the dog, and have seen some spectacular sunsets along the way," says Paul from Eastlakes in Sydney, who sent in a couple of stunning evening skies, and one of a plant cunningly disguised as a creature.


Sunset 2 of three from Paul in Eastlakes, Sydney.


"A banksia pod (at least I think that's what it is) disguised as a mouse ... or is it a very lost hedgehog?" Paul from Eastlakes.


Pip from North Melbourne has been working from home (at the dining room table) and while she was staring into space waiting ... waiting ... waiting ... for a file to open, noticed a light show on her living room wall. "The sun was hitting the cat flap (left by previous owners), travelling 12 metres, and then creating a lovely colour spectrum," she writes. "It only lasted a few minutes."


Lissa here. A friend texted this to me and it makes me smile every time I scroll past it. Unfortunately, I don't know who created it, but whoever you are, thank you!

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