Rewriting our pandemic history Imagine that

September 5, 2021 â€" 5.30am

As the first reports of a dangerous new virus emerged from Wuhan, Australia’s bio-security emergency plan was immediately triggered. Our national leaders recognised the need for an immediate response, trusted the scientific advisers and clearly explained the emerging threat to the people.

Overnight, the Prime Minister convened a crisis cabinet including the opposition, all state and territory leaders together with First Nations representatives, and guaranteed that party politics would play no part in formulating an all-of-government crisis response.

Scott  Morrison with state and territory leaders after the first in-person national cabinet meeting, in December.

Scott Morrison with state and territory leaders after the first in-person national cabinet meeting, in December.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

A taskforce was appointed with representatives of all levels of government, the military, business and religious leaders, charities, and trade unions all working together.

They agreed that mapping out a comprehensive, multilingual, cross-cultural communications strategy was the highest priority, including using social media.

Explaining the emergency to all pockets of a rattled population was understood to be vital in securing co-operation, appreciating that those most at risk and most vulnerable, were the hardest to reach. The special taskforce appointed leaders from diverse and multicultural communities to senior roles.

Drawing on reserves and contingencies, the Treasury launched a bespoke support scheme for private sector employers and small business to avoid mass unemployment. In exchange for access to the support, employers agreed to use the funds as a last resort and committed to full audits and refunds if the monies advanced were surplus to need.

All passengers on incoming flights were temperature tested upon disembarking and provided saliva samples for urgent analysis. The local manufacturing of masks was fast-tracked and exports of essential supplies suspended.

The multi-disciplinary taskforce convened an expert advisory group, drawing on our bio-tech leaders from the much-valued and respected universities and bio-medical research laboratories. The essential role of research was publicly lauded by a grateful PM and funds for tertiary education were boosted to ensure continuity of their vital work.

Immigration Detention Centres were re-purposed as safe quarantine hubs. ‘Stop the Boats’ became ‘Stop the Virus’. Each state was asked to scope locations for additional decentralised outdoor quarantine centres.

An amnesty was announced for those who could not safely return to their home countries. Although quarantine is constitutionally a Commonwealth responsibility, the states readily agreed to deliver a federal service, and in the new collaborative spirit, the federal government bore all the costs.

Planning approvals were fast-tracked and construction commenced within days. Military engineers worked seamlessly with the private sector to achieve record-breaking timelines.

Overseas students could continue to arrive and maintain the thriving and globally leading international education sector, essential to the prosperity of our capital cities. Pacific Island workers were welcomed to overcome farm labour shortages.

Australia’s often fractious media bosses agreed between them to deny oxygen to conspiracists and peddlers of fake news, and thus liars and charlatans were deprived of the opportunity to elevate themselves to cult status.

Cruise operators agreed to suspend operations and maintain the strictest of protocols until any chance of spreading the virus passed. Stranded luxury liners were re-purposed as homeless shelters.

CSL’s AstraZeneca lab in Melbourne.

CSL’s AstraZeneca lab in Melbourne.Credit:Jason South

As vaccines were fast-tracked, the different parameters and efficacy profiles were clearly and consistently explained. Politicians deferred to doctors for their expertise. Australia became the regional vaccine hub, a diplomatic and security coup.

Parliaments federal and state rapidly and unanimously pushed through uniform legislation indemnifying employers who mandated vaccines for their staff. Safe workplaces were prioritised over vaccine hesitancy.

The public awareness campaign reassured most waverers. The non-combat logistical expertise of the military was mobilised to extend a friendly embrace across the entire nation and ensure equal access to vaccines, from Carnarvon to Coolangatta, from Wilcannia to Wyndham.

Massive marches in cities and towns saw a grateful population rally to peacefully thank their wise leaders in a festival of music and goodwill. National holiday mass picnics greeted the warmer weather.

As much of the globe mourned its losses, Australia became a safe haven. We confirmed our reputation as the lucky country.

John Lennon recorded Imagine 50 years ago this week.

John Lennon recorded Imagine 50 years ago this week.Credit:Illustration: Matt Davidson

Exactly 50 years ago this week John Lennon recorded Imagine. If he was alive today…

“Imagine there’s no COVID
It’s easy if you try
No need to mask each morning
Sanitiser in much supply

Imagine all the toilet paper
Lining the shelves today

Imagine there’s no pandemic
It isn’t hard to do
No need for begowned medics
And no more lockdown, too

We’re all in this together
Living in good health

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I can’t live in a cave
I hope someday you’ll join us
As it’s Bunnings re-opening we crave

Imagine no conspiracists
If only they’d foreseen
The need for contact tracing
And better hotel quarantine

Imagine all the people
Not sharing all their germs

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday we recover
And the Reff stays under One.”

With apologies to Yoko.

Jon Faine is a regular columnist.

Jon Faine is a former radio presenter on ABC 774.

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